The Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary

rosary 300The Dominican Order has a long history of promoting the rosary as a path to growth in holiness. One of the ways that the Order promotes the rosary is through the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary, which is an association of Catholics committed to praying the rosary. 

The Confraternity was established in the 15th century. It is what is known in canon law as an “association of Christ’s faithful”. The Confraternity is governed by the Apostolic Constitution of Pope Leo XIII, Ubi Primum, given in 1898.

What does the Confraternity do?

Members of the Confraternity are obliged to pray the fifteen Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious mysteries of the Rosary once a week. This may be done all at the one time, or spread out through the week. The obligation to pray the fifteen mysteries does not bind under pain of sin.

Whenever members fulfil their obligation to recite the Rosary, they should include in their intentions all of the members of the Confraternity. This intention may be fulfilled by praying the Confraternity prayer.

Members are very welcome to pray the Luminous mysteries of the Rosary, however there is no obligation to do so. The rules of the Confraternity have not been amended since Pope John Paul II introduced the Luminous mysteries in 2000.

How do I join?

You can join the Confraternity by filling out the form below. You will then be formally enrolled by the Rosary Promoter, who will inform you when you have been enrolled.

What does it cost to join?

It is absolutely free to join the Confraternity. Pope Leo required that people should be permitted to join the Confraternity without the need for any subscription or payment.

Contact details

The promoter of the rosary for the Province of the Assumption is Fr Mannes Tellis.

You can join the Confraternity by completing the form below. You will then be formally enrolled by the Rosary Promoter, who will inform you when you have been enrolled.

Please note that more than one application from the same email address will not be accepted.

Also please note that we are unable to accept applications from outside the Province of the Assumption (Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands).

Hard copy applications are available from the Rosary Promoter.


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